■ 怒濤の5ヶ月間 / Five turbulent months(2024年
3月2日 / 2 March 2024) ■


I have just moved.


It has been a hectic 5 months, but today I was able to complete the handover of the apartment I used to live in. It will take some time before I can settle into my new home.


Although I am in perfect health, I have been so busy moving for the past few months and have barely touched my violin. So I would like to gradually return to practicing.


February was like spring, but it seems we are back to winter again. Please keep warm and take care!

Mitsuko ITO

追記:このページをお読み下さっている私の大切な愛する皆様に是非ともご活用いただきたいのが『「救い」への招き 』の7ページ目です。どうか親愛なる皆様が将来天の御国で神様の豊かな祝福に包まれながら幸せに永遠の時を過ごすことが出来ますように。

P.S.: The 7th page of "Invitation to SALVATION" is something that I would like all of you who are reading this page to take advantage of. I pray that you, dear ones, can spend eternity happily surrounded by God's rich blessings in the Kingdom of Heaven in the future.

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